Alejandro Chávez-Badiola, MD

Founder & Chief Product Officer

Trained as an OBGYN and Reproductive Endocrinologist, Alejandro is a globally recognized leader in fertility medicine, both as a clinician and a developer of critical new technology, particularly in the field of artificial intelligence and automation.

After completing his training at the Hewitt Fertility Center, Britain’s largest IVF clinic, Alejandro returned to his native Mexico in 2007 and opened (and led as Medical Director) New Hope Fertility, two of the premier IVF centers in the country, one in Mexico City and the other in Guadalajara. These centers have consistently reported success rates that are among the highest in the world.

Frustrated that he was limited in the number of patients that he could help, Alejandro began to explore how technology might be deployed to help scale IVF success to more patients. In 2018, he founded IVF2.0 which became the premier AI IVF company with several publications in Nature and other leading journals preceding the company’s ongoing commercial rollout.

Alejandro has written: “As clinicians in the field of reproductive medicine, we have a huge impact on a limited number of patients and their lives. Through Conceivable’s innovation we will positively impact the lives of millions”.